
(Shah-ned) God is Gracious

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air

Lacie enjoying a spring day.
Ah, to feel the breath of spring blowing in the windows and filling our home with freshness. Not going to happen any time soon I am afraid. We have had a long cold winter with temps below freezing most days and many in the single digits. No open windows here. We also have a small herd of critters that add their own four footed aroma to the bouquet of smells in the house. Mix in a little damp from all the snow and you have a combination that needs more than a Yankee Candle to conquer.  Essential oil to the rescue. I find that a light sprinkle of baking soda infused with essential oils on the carpet or a spray of essential oil in the air can make a world of difference, at least until we can open the windows and let the real fresh air in.

Lamont says, "Go Colts!"
 You have probably seen the boxes of carpet sprinkle in the store advertising all sorts of clean smells to freshen your home. Close beside them are the cans of air freshener with the same claims.  They can be expensive and have scents and additives that stir up allergies and are not good for anyone with respiratory problems. I used these for years. And years. Quick way to make the house smell good, right? Also a quick way to start sneezing, eyes watering and other nasty stuff. I will spare you the details. I have learned that some things nurses feel perfectly comfortable discussing are not necessarily considered appropriate for everyone. The wide eyed stares of other restaurant customers make this pretty evident. (Sorry sweet husband. You are the best! )

Warrior Queen Boudicca smells tuna!

 I learned a better way to freshen the carpet, air and leave a nice smell in our home. Through my study of alternative medicine I learned about all the wonderful benefits of using essential oils. Some of them have antibacterial and antifungal properties and can lift your mood so even better for your home. None of those artificial smells made in a lab. So grab the baking soda, essential oils and let's freshen up that house!

Smaug the Destroyer investigating good smells.
For carpet sprinkle all you need is some baking soda and essential oils of choice. I use Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary and Tea Tree essential oil for an everyday fresh smell. For every 2 cups of baking soda I use a total of about 20-25 drops of essential oil. I found a cocktail shaker in a box that we bought at an auction (Now there's an afternoon well spent and another story altogether). It doesn't have a lid, so I use plastic wrap to cover it and secure it with a rubber band. I can mix and shake the baking soda/essential oil in one container. Works great. You can also mix the baking soda and essential oil in a bowl and use a sieve to sprinkle, or a Parmesan cheese container with a lid used to sprinkle works well. I then sprinkle the carpets lightly and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Then vacuum. Easy peasy. Fresh smells, no sneezes, less costs. The thing to remember is to go easy on the sprinkle. The baking soda can build up under the carpet if too much is used, and then you have dust which can add to allergies and such.

For a quick room spray I mix 1/2 cup distilled water and 1/2 cup vodka (Cheap vodka. The $10 a liter taste like gasoline stuff works wonderfully. I would advise against drinking it though. Ick.) Add approximately 10-15 drops essential oils of your choice, give it a shake and spray into the air. Use caution around fabrics, animals and surfaces that might not work well with liquid.

You can change the scents to suite your mood, or the time of year. I find orange and clove to be a nice fall/winter scent. The possibilities are endless. I buy most of my oils from Mountain Rose Herbs as I know they have good quality organic oils and the price is great. You can also find essential oils at most health food stores or natural markets. Cathy's Natural Market here in Northern Indiana also carries a nice selection locally.

So here's to spring being around the corner, hope abounds that soon we will be able to pull back the curtains and throw up the sashes to let a breath of fresh clean air in. 

“She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cosey bed, and to love and be loved in return.”

-Starra Neely Blade

Wishing you many blessings,

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